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All General Topics - Let's Talk Self Storage  

Open forum for all self-storage professionals. To view content you must be signed in. If you are a new user, you will need to create a profile.

  last person joined 3 days ago

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Facilities for Sale  

Members may use this group to share and view facilities or land for sale. TSSA does not approve the published material in this group. Please contact the member directly with questions regarding any posts.

  last person joined one month ago

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Job Postings  

This group is open to members and non-members to post job openings. Job seekers looking for your next great opportunity are encouraged to post your resume. (TSSA does not approve job postings or resumes prior to publishing. Posts may be be removed after a period of time.)

  last person joined 4 months ago

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Self-Storage Resell  

A group for self-storage owners to buy and sell equipment and supplies from one another.

  last person joined 2 months ago

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