Facility for Sale

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North Texas in Bowie, TX located off hwy 287N

  • 1.  North Texas in Bowie, TX located off hwy 287N

    Posted 05-30-2024 10:59 AM
    Edited by Thomas Kent 10-11-2024 10:24 AM

    I posted my facility for sale last year on this site (Listing shown below).  So I will just update changes here.  The price is $3.4 M and the best 2 offers came in at $2.9, I do not have to sale and choose not to.  Occupancy is currently 97% +/- over the last year.  I have moved out of the area.  I do have a great manager who will stay on and lives close by.  And yes, just like you I get 5 calls each week asking if I will sell my facility (mostly call centers) but I have a list of folks who want to be in the business.  There is additional property that adjoins it that "COULD" be purchased happy to have that discussion with you.  There is also a new Climate Control facility in Bowie city limits so I have a competitor (has not effected my numbers in the least).  Native_texan63@hotmail.com

    As Value add.  This facility is located outside of the city limits and requires no build permits or blueprints.  I have sketched out a rebuild by removing 9 RV slots -$990 and replacing them with 6,075 sq ft of climate and non climate control units.  This would increase unit count by 45 and revenue $4,562.25 net difference of $3,572.25.  This could expand to adding 8,775 sq ft as well loss of revenue would be -$1,210 I have NOT designed the replacement units but using the same ratio should generate @ $6,590 extra / month.  Also my last rate increase was 9/2022.

    First just for full disclosure - I am a REALTOR.  I just happen to own a very nice Storage facility as well.  I am selling due to health issues and am moving out of the area.
    I designed this facility and is currently the ONLY Climate Control units available between Decatur, TX and Wichita Falls, tx off 287 / 81.   Standard storage is also available along with Boat/RV The first buildings were completed Jan 2017.  The last building was completed July 2021.  @44,000 sq ft total buildings sitting on 2.29 acres.
     If interested send me a email at native_texan63@hotmail.com and I will send you ALL the information.  Do your research and due diligence.  Come see it in person and kick the tires.
    Location is United Storage of Bowie 1266 FM 174 Bowie, TX 76230  https://www.unitedstoragebowietx.com/. Click or tap to follow the link." data-linkindex="7">United Storage of Bowie

    Thomas Kent
    United Storage of Bowie
    Bowie TX
    (972) 672-2120